Module Outline

Use the following resources and work with your mentor to master the objectives for this module. Practice by completing the Mini-Project, Project, and Challenges.

Lesson Video

Preclass Videos

Video Challenges

Stretch Problem

    Longest Word in String

    1. Write a function that takes a string and returns the biggest word in that string.
    2. Make sure to remove punctuation and whitespace.

    Example output:

    longestWord("This string, has a gigantic! word in it...") returns "gigantic"

    longestWord("one, two, three") returns "three"

    Hint: Look up NSCharacterSet methods to remove whitespace and punctuation. Create the charSets as NSMutableCharset objects so you can combine the two CharSets. Call the componentsSeperatedByCharacterInSet method on the parameter string to get an array of strings after separating them by the charSets. Loop through the array to check against your return string length.

    ♦ Black Diamond

    Do this in Objective-C. Then do palindrome in Objective-C using recursion.

  • Solution

Guided Project

    Bulletin Board

    Simple project teaching CloudKit concepts and APIs including fetching, saving, and subscriptions.


  • Timeline

    Timeline is a simple photo sharing service. Students will bring in many concepts that they have learned, and add complex data modeling, Image Picker, Collection Views, NSURLSession, Firebase, and protocol-oriented programming,

    This is a Capstone Level project spanning many class days and concepts. Most concepts will be covered during class, others are introduced during the project. Not every instruction will outline each line of code to write, but lead the student to the solution.


Mastery Review

Module 22 - CloudKit II - CKSubscription, Discoverability
  • Expand all
  • Collapse all
  • Longest Word in String stretch problem
  • Challenges
  • Bulletin Board guided project