Module Outline

Use the following resources and work with your mentor to master the objectives for this module. Practice by completing the Mini-Project, Project, and Challenges.

Lesson Video

Preclass Videos

Video Challenges

Stretch Problem

    Obj-C DevMtn

    1. Make a new Objective-C Project
    2. Write a method that prints the numbers from 1 to an inputed number. But for multiples of three print "Dev" instead of the number and for the multiples of five print "Mtn". For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print "DevMtn".

    ♦ Black Diamond

    Make a function in Objective-C that takes one parameter as an integer and returns the closest number in the Fibonacci sequence below the parameter. Then do it again using recursion.

  • Solution


  • Rover

    Students will practice writing in Objective-C by building an app that allows a user to browse images provided by the NASA Mars Rover API. This app requires students to use concepts and APIs they already know, including MVC, table and collection views, custom model objects, property "observers", NSNotifications, NSURLSession, JSON parsing, etc.


Mastery Review

Module 33 - Objective-C III - Properties, Q&A
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  • Obj-C DevMtn stretch problem